Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Downtown Atlanta drugs...

Channel 46 had a headline news story about a woman who has to walk past street-crack-smoking-junkies in order to walk her dog. The property value of her condo, the neighbors fears, the open drug traffic on the street were major parts of the news story. It was a case of "scary situation" not of "here is what the city is doing to fix it," kind of reporting (even the news guy was a little freaked out to be down there at 10pm on the street). Ahhhh, but that was immediately followed by a report on whether or not to outlaw baggy pants, the Braves triple A team moving to Atlanta from Virginia, and a story on Florida plastic surgery problems. I swear, if Dagmar hadn't have come to the rescue with her Raquel Welch weather, I wouldn't have lasted another minute watching the idiot news. Is there no one at channel 46 who pays attention and grades how serious and concerned citizens need to be about what is happening in the city? How does pant length, baseball or elective surgery rate to the story of the street crackheads downtown? And, really, if anyone cared to actually think about baggy pants, they are a woman's best friend. Any guy wearing them has handicapped himself because he must use one hand to hold them up, he can't run as fast, he can't possibly attack while in such a state. Why would women complain? I love them, show me more!!! I have two good arms and two good legs to use in my defense whereas Iwould be up against a one armed bandit. I just wanted to spout off about the news because the only decent news in all of Atlanta is on channel 2.

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