Monday, March 24, 2008

National Weather Conspiracy

There was an f4 tornado last week which swept across the northern mountains of Arkansas and demolished a path 123 miles long. The weather people are all about the floods. The people in Arkansas went without power for a week and without phone for 4 days. Atlanta did get hit with a tornado. It didn't touch down, true, but it did touch the roofs of buildings and swipe city buildings about 50 feet up. But the truth is that north Georgia has had 3 tornadoes in the space of a week without the alarms going off. I had always been told that inner cities have a special atmosphere due to the amount of concrete, there is a heat layer that makes the ground hotter than surrounding land. It was because of this special atmosphere that a tornado couldn't or wouldn't ever hit a downtown area. Now we are seeing that change, although it did not actually hit the ground, the fact that a tornado could and did devastate an inner city is incredible. That our weather is changing is nothing new. The idea of la Nina or El nino years stopped people from freaking out about it changing 10 years ago...if we can name it, the phenomena isn't scary. Now that the intensity is increasing, it seems that the weather simply isn't being reported nationally, but locally. Without the warnings, without the big national picture, concerned only with local events, there seems to be a conspiracy to control the information and focus of the information so the public won't realize how much and how badly our weather is out of whack.

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